Рубрика: English

Christmas story

It was winter, the cold winter. Trees were bare, the parks were frozen, the air was frosty … The crowd of people on the central streets moved there from here. It was 30 of December. Everyone was busy in shopping. But in that crowd there was a boy stranger, cold, sad and slow. I was wondering — why this boy was walking down the street in December 30, alone, with just one shirt. I approached his and asked his name. «My name is Jim,» he replied, «I don’t have a home, I don’t have a family, so I’m out of the house. I offered him a glass of hot chocolate in the front of the cafe and he was happy to agree. With a cup of hot chocolate we began our pleasant talking, I told about my life … He was nine years old. It turned out that he had a difficult childhood. He didn’t remember how, but his life had begun from the street. He told me remembered only that he grew up in the street with other children, who were also homeless. Then, in time, some of them left, separated from each other, and only Jim remained. He earned his daily bread by performing various heavy and «bitter» work … All this story made me sad, and I suggested to go to our home to make him feel better. Jim was in shock. I took him to my home, swam, then grabbed all the shelves, found one or two shirts and sweaters from my clothes. As he needed pants and shoes, I offered him to stay in my house for a few days. I purchased hot shoes and new trousers for him. He was very happy. Then we went shopping for the upcoming New Year and returned home. Here comes the New Year. At 00:00, when the fireworks started outdoors, and the bells ringing, he began to cry … He didn’t believe that it was all true. He told that he had not had such a New Year yet. and every year he was waiting for that New Year miracle, but it didn’t happen. «And what is that miracle, in your opinion?» I asked. «I have always dreamed of having a family, not alone, to meet the New Year with my family and friends, this is a miracle for me,» he said. «Well,» I said, «your miracle has come true. Now, as a older brother, I will be your family. And I promise you will always be with you. He was amazed and again excited … Many years have passed since we were already a family. We lived together in a harmonious and always happy!

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Рубрика: Հայոց Լեզու/Գրականություն, Ստեղծագործական

Ամանորի գիշերը հրաշալիքների գիշեր լիներ…

Ամանորի գիշերը հենց հրաշալիք է: Այդ գիշեր կատարվում են բոլորի երազանքները, որն էլ հենց հրաշք է դառնում ամենքի համար: Բայց գլխավոր հրաշքն այն է, որ դու կաս, ու հենց այդտեղ կանգնած, հենց այդ վայրկյանին նշում ես այդ հրաշք տոնը:
Կուզեի, որ այս Ամանորին ոչ ոք միայնակ չլիներ, բոլորը զգային և՛ հոգեպես, և՛ ֆիզիկապես Ամանորի ջերմությունը: Բոլորը ծիծաղեին, բոլորն ուրախ լինեին, գոհ և բավարարված: Հավատային հրաշքին, քանի որ հենց հրաշքի կարևոր բաղադրիչն է՝ հավատը՝ քո երազանքին:

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